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DFB-Team droht Olympia-Aus: Alles für den Horst

DFBTeam droht OlympiaAus Alles für den Horst
Nach dem 1:2 gegen Frankreich bangen die deutschen Fußballerinnen um die Olympiateilnahme und der Übergangstrainer um seinen Posten.

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Wir freuen uns über eine Mail an fehlerhinweis@taz.de!

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' ); // var callback = callback; var altFormNs = $(); // keep track of form nodes we may insert from server responses var clear4reset = function(){ altFormNs.slideUp( function(){ altFormNs.remove(); altFormNs = $(); }); }; var back2start = function( val ){ if( typeof val == 'string' ) { form1N.find('>.sectbody >span >textarea') .val( val ) .trigger('blur') ; } // ToDo: show hint -> change filOtaz_de.Form first mirror.toShow.prop('disabled', false); mirror.toHide.slideDown(); form1N.slideDown(); }; var reset = function( val ){ clear4reset(); back2start( val ); }; var handle200 = ( options.handle200 instanceof Function )? options.handle200 : function( data, status, req ){ //console.log( data.documentElement.outerHTML ); if( options.onSuccess instanceof Function ) options.onSuccess(); clear4reset(); // hide follow-up forms var message = $(data).filter('.message'); if( message.length && message.text() >'' ) { // show success message var messageN = $('').append( message.addClass('sectbody') ); $('').appendTo( message ).click( function(){ messageN.slideUp( function(){ messageN.remove(); }); back2start(''); // reset to original form return false; }); messageN.hide().prependTo( form1N.parent() ).slideDown(); form1N.slideUp(); } } var asySubmit = function( formN ){ var formN = formN; var action; var clickLock = false; formN.find('>.sectbody >input:submit').click( function(){ if( clickLock ) return false; clickLock = true; action = formN.attr('action'); if( !action ) return; // ToDo: handle missing action action = action.replace(/^http:/,'https:'); // ToDo: handle relative action URL var handle422 = function( data ) { // we sent incomplete Data. Show forms from response body! //console.log( data[0].documentElement.outerHTML ); var formNs = data.find('form'); if( !formNs.length ) { alert('error: server response fails expectations: no form found.'); return false; } var anchor = $('').hide()[ mirror.node.length ?'insertAfter' :'insertBefore' ]( formN ); formN.not( mirror.node ).slideUp( function(){ formN.not( form1N ).remove(); }); mirror.toShow.attr({ disabled : true }); mirror.toHide.slideUp(); var last = anchor; formNs.each( function(i,e){ var n = $(e); var have = $('#'+ n.attr('id') ); if(! n.children('.secthead').length ) have.children('.secthead').first().clone(true).prependTo( n ); var have = have.not( form1N ); have.slideUp( function(){ altFormNs = altFormNs.not( have ); have.remove(); // remove old incarnation }); n.find('script').remove(); // don't import scripts n.hide().insertAfter( last ); anchor.remove(); last = n; altFormNs = altFormNs.add( n ); /* */ var ccN = n.find('#captcha-code'); var captchaCode = ccN.attr('name'); if( ccN.length && captchaCode ) // this form needs a captcha, make one! Recaptcha.create( captchaCode, 'captcha-code', { theme: 'red' } ); (new filOtaz_de.Form( n )).cancel( function(){ reset(); }); asySubmit( n ); n.slideDown(); }); //console.log( altFormNs.length +' forms found' ); } //handle422 var post = {}; formN.find('input,textarea').each( function(i,n){ var N = $(n); post[N.attr('name')] = N.val(); }); $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : action, cache : false, data : post, dataType : 'html', // 'xml', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, // chrisso: Disabled beforeSend manipulation because first parameter ("req") is now jqXHR and not original XMLHttpRequest object. (see above "xhrFields") // // beforeSend : function( req, settings ){ // req.responseType = 'document'; // req.withCredentials = true; // //req.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); // }, success : function( data, status, req ){ // our post was accepted, show response message! handle200( data, status, req ); }, error : function( req, status, message ){ //console.log('status: '+ status +' :: '+ message ); var data = $( req.response ); if( !data.length ) { // data is not document var text; try{ text = req.responseText; if( text ) text = text.replace(/http:/g, ""); // have src'es protocol relative data = $('').html( text ); //console.log('response text: '+ text ); } catch(e) { //console.log('error reading responseText: '+ e ); } } if( !data.length ) { try{ //console.log( req.response.head.parentElement.outerHTML ); } catch(e) { //console.log('error reading response.head: '+ e ); } } ({ 0 : function() { alert('Error: Can not see server answer. CORS missing?'); // seems a Cross-Origin problem //console.log( data ); }, 200 : function() { // 200 but error, IE9 ends up here handle200( data, status, req ); }, 422 : function() { handle422( data ); } })[ req.status ](); }, //error /* not available befor jQ 1.5 statusCode : { 422 : function( req, status, message ){} }, */ complete : function( req, status ){ //try{ console.log('response headers:\n'+ req.getAllResponseHeaders() ); } catch(e){ console.log('getAllResponseHeaders() failed'); } //console.log('responseXML: '+ req.responseXML ); //if( req.response ) console.log( req.response.head.parentElement.outerHTML ) //else console.log('no data'); clickLock = false; } }); //ajax return false; }); //click }; //asySubmit asySubmit( form1N ); }; //filOtaz_de.ajaxifyForm })();
' ); // var callback = callback; var altFormNs = $(); // keep track of form nodes we may insert from server responses var clear4reset = function(){ altFormNs.slideUp( function(){ altFormNs.remove(); altFormNs = $(); }); }; var back2start = function( val ){ if( typeof val == 'string' ) { form1N.find('>.sectbody >span >textarea') .val( val ) .trigger('blur') ; } // ToDo: show hint -> change filOtaz_de.Form first mirror.toShow.prop('disabled', false); mirror.toHide.slideDown(); form1N.slideDown(); }; var reset = function( val ){ clear4reset(); back2start( val ); }; var handle200 = ( options.handle200 instanceof Function )? options.handle200 : function( data, status, req ){ //console.log( data.documentElement.outerHTML ); if( options.onSuccess instanceof Function ) options.onSuccess(); clear4reset(); // hide follow-up forms var message = $(data).filter('.message'); if( message.length && message.text() >'' ) { // show success message var messageN = $('').append( message.addClass('sectbody') ); $('').appendTo( message ).click( function(){ messageN.slideUp( function(){ messageN.remove(); }); back2start(''); // reset to original form return false; }); messageN.hide().prependTo( form1N.parent() ).slideDown(); form1N.slideUp(); } } var asySubmit = function( formN ){ var formN = formN; var action; var clickLock = false; formN.find('>.sectbody >input:submit').click( function(){ if( clickLock ) return false; clickLock = true; action = formN.attr('action'); if( !action ) return; // ToDo: handle missing action action = action.replace(/^http:/,'https:'); // ToDo: handle relative action URL var handle422 = function( data ) { // we sent incomplete Data. Show forms from response body! //console.log( data[0].documentElement.outerHTML ); var formNs = data.find('form'); if( !formNs.length ) { alert('error: server response fails expectations: no form found.'); return false; } var anchor = $('').hide()[ mirror.node.length ?'insertAfter' :'insertBefore' ]( formN ); formN.not( mirror.node ).slideUp( function(){ formN.not( form1N ).remove(); }); mirror.toShow.attr({ disabled : true }); mirror.toHide.slideUp(); var last = anchor; formNs.each( function(i,e){ var n = $(e); var have = $('#'+ n.attr('id') ); if(! n.children('.secthead').length ) have.children('.secthead').first().clone(true).prependTo( n ); var have = have.not( form1N ); have.slideUp( function(){ altFormNs = altFormNs.not( have ); have.remove(); // remove old incarnation }); n.find('script').remove(); // don't import scripts n.hide().insertAfter( last ); anchor.remove(); last = n; altFormNs = altFormNs.add( n ); /* */ var ccN = n.find('#captcha-code'); var captchaCode = ccN.attr('name'); if( ccN.length && captchaCode ) // this form needs a captcha, make one! Recaptcha.create( captchaCode, 'captcha-code', { theme: 'red' } ); (new filOtaz_de.Form( n )).cancel( function(){ reset(); }); asySubmit( n ); n.slideDown(); }); //console.log( altFormNs.length +' forms found' ); } //handle422 var post = {}; formN.find('input,textarea').each( function(i,n){ var N = $(n); post[N.attr('name')] = N.val(); }); $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : action, cache : false, data : post, dataType : 'html', // 'xml', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, // chrisso: Disabled beforeSend manipulation because first parameter ("req") is now jqXHR and not original XMLHttpRequest object. (see above "xhrFields") // // beforeSend : function( req, settings ){ // req.responseType = 'document'; // req.withCredentials = true; // //req.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); // }, success : function( data, status, req ){ // our post was accepted, show response message! handle200( data, status, req ); }, error : function( req, status, message ){ //console.log('status: '+ status +' :: '+ message ); var data = $( req.response ); if( !data.length ) { // data is not document var text; try{ text = req.responseText; if( text ) text = text.replace(/http:/g, ""); // have src'es protocol relative data = $('').html( text ); //console.log('response text: '+ text ); } catch(e) { //console.log('error reading responseText: '+ e ); } } if( !data.length ) { try{ //console.log( req.response.head.parentElement.outerHTML ); } catch(e) { //console.log('error reading response.head: '+ e ); } } ({ 0 : function() { alert('Error: Can not see server answer. CORS missing?'); // seems a Cross-Origin problem //console.log( data ); }, 200 : function() { // 200 but error, IE9 ends up here handle200( data, status, req ); }, 422 : function() { handle422( data ); } })[ req.status ](); }, //error /* not available befor jQ 1.5 statusCode : { 422 : function( req, status, message ){} }, */ complete : function( req, status ){ //try{ console.log('response headers:\n'+ req.getAllResponseHeaders() ); } catch(e){ console.log('getAllResponseHeaders() failed'); } //console.log('responseXML: '+ req.responseXML ); //if( req.response ) console.log( req.response.head.parentElement.outerHTML ) //else console.log('no data'); clickLock = false; } }); //ajax return false; }); //click }; //asySubmit asySubmit( form1N ); }; //filOtaz_de.ajaxifyForm })();
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